Cymbalta, does it work?

on 2/24/09 3:03 pm - Vancouver, WA
Hi gang I know I can get some honest answers here. Saw a pain specialist yesterday and he has me trying Cymbalta and I just wonder how well it works. Do you build a resistance to it and have to keep upping the dose? After reading the insert and all the warnings I'm a little nervous about taking it. I took the first dose of 20 mg tonite so we'll see how that goes. Any info is appreciated. Thanks my fibro friends!
on 2/24/09 4:25 pm - Pasadena, CA
It didn't work for me. It made me feel suicidal. I thought about running in front of moving vehicles all the time. I hope it works for you.
on 2/24/09 8:29 pm - GA
Hi Hislady,
When my pain specialist recommended cymbalta my shrink immediately said NO. His reasons where because cymbalta showed signs of liver damage in the lab studies.
My family has a history of liver disease so he immediately jumped on it and said no that it was not worth the trouble.
So please have your doc monitor your liver enzymes closely OK....
Be careful!! Best wishes
Kimberly"be nice to me or I will sic my ninja monkeys on you"
AphY Girl
on 2/25/09 12:20 am

It didn't do a thing for me - but made my stomach hurt at the higher strengths.  I didn't find any relief to my pain.

The only thing that has helped me is the pain patch, spinal injections (bad discs) and a hydrocodone twice a day as needed and zanaflex. 

It was amazing to me when I went to the Rheumo doc - he said that pain medication makes Fibro worse ... I totally disagree, it is the only thing that allows me to carry on a normal life where I can be a mom, wife and member of society!

Good luck,

on 2/25/09 7:39 am - Vancouver, WA
Thanks for all your great responses! I was pretty jittery after the dose last nite but I guess that is normal. I had some pretty low blood pressure this AM and called my doc, he said just keep an eye on it and it should get better in a day or two. I did notice an immediate relief from a lot of pain this AM, for the first time in MANY years I could just roll over and not feel like I got beat up all nite. Maybe this will work after all, if I don't continue with the jitters. Feels like I drank a whole pot of coffee all by myself or like the old amphetamines from the 70's when they were used for weight loss. Loss of appetite is one of the side affects of the Cymbalta so that can't hurt! Well guess I'll keep taking it and see what happens. I've told DH to be sure to keep a close eye on me for awhile for any mood changes. Thanks again all!
on 2/25/09 3:27 pm
Hi there Hislady.  I have been on Cymbalta for some time now (couple of years).  I don't think it does anything for my pain, but it helps my depression.  They also tried me on Lyrica which I could not tolerate at all due to severe side effects - so now I am also taking Gabapentin, which is the generic of Neurontin.  I take 900 mg 3 times a day (a high dose, but it seems I always need high doses) and I finally have relief for the pain in my hands and fingers.  I am not sure it is helping any of my other pain though.  Good luck!
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