This crazy weather is killing me
I know how you feel. The weather here is crazy right now. One moment it is 20 degrees then that same day it gets up to 80! Its crazy and it sends me into flares bigtime!!! Do you get flares when the weather acts crazy? Hurricane season is the WORST! I think I cry just about through the whole season. I live off the south east coast so we get alot of crazy weather. I am in a flare up right now that I seem to not be able to get rid of. Thank God for my Opana!!!! What in the world would I do without it?I hope you feel better soon
Gentle hugs
The way the doc explained Opana to me was that it is basically a synthetic form of morphine or a dirivitive of it...something like that. Basically it is a pain killer. It works pretty good, gives me good pain relief on a very small dosage of it. I only take Opana ER 20mg and Opana regular for the breakthrough pain 5mg....And it works wonders.
Now the best pain med I ever tried was roxicet. If you can get your doc to prescribe it it works WONDERFULLY
Now the best pain med I ever tried was roxicet. If you can get your doc to prescribe it it works WONDERFULLY