Green Rubbing Alcohol Baths?
LIVE Like You Were DYING
Love Deeper * Speak Sweeter * Give Forgiveness
5 Years Post Op
LIVE Like You Were DYING
Love Deeper * Speak Sweeter * Give Forgiveness
5 Years Post Op
**$2 at WM. It is 70% isopropyl alcohol, wintergreen, glycerin, and methyl salicylate**
I am not going to add it to my bath water!! ekkkk
I am going to rub it in to the bad places & see what it will do for some temporary relief.
LIVE Like You Were DYING
Love Deeper * Speak Sweeter * Give Forgiveness
5 Years Post Op
it does not burn and it is sooooo soothing and relaxing. And I have fibro also. I do know that for sore, aching muscles it has helped me. I usually pour half a bottle into a full tub of bath water and just sit back. Instead of Calgon, I just ohh greehol take me away!!! And it does gives me that relief I am looking for. Has never burned me .
OH YES, I use it at least once a week, and no it does not burn. I am sure that if you put too much in your bath water that it could/would burn.
I thought the same thing when a co-worker suggested it, but to my surprise, it does not burn.
I usually put half a bottle in a full bath and I always add it before the tub is completely full, and it has never burned me. I especially like to wait until bedtime. It is calming and relaxing.