
on 7/18/08 10:43 am - CT
hey every 1.. iv been reading alot post on here and i almost feel like my dr is trying to kill me. maybe its jut me but can any1 tell me if im going crazy ok im on alot of meds here they are all for Fibromealgia

Norflex 100mg 2xday
Neurontin 300 mg at night
Oxycodone 15 mg as need for pain (lol when dont i have pain but i only take this when i really need it)
Elavil 10 mg as needed at night to sleep
Cymbalta 60 mg at night

dose this sound like 2 many. im only 24 and im in so much pain i dont know what more to do i hate taking all this, and i take more thing too for other thing thosup there r just for my fibro. grrr  i dont know what to do
on 7/18/08 1:34 pm - Vancouver, WA
Is the doc you are seeing a rheumatologist? If not you may want to see one of them because they are the ones that specialize in treating fibro. They would have the most up to date treatments and could help you determine whether you need all those drugs. My self I am able to get by with just 5 mg of oxycodone, 4 times a day but everyone's pain is different. You can always try going off of one drug at a time and see how it affects you but be sure to do it under a doctors supervision because several of those you are taking can cause nasty withdrawl symptoms. Best of luck to you!
on 7/19/08 6:06 am - CT
hey yes my dr is a rheumatologist thats why i was so confused when he wants me on ALL those pills but nothing really takes the pain away so thats prob why . but ty for ur comment
on 9/2/08 10:08 pm
 I was reading about people who genetically are slow metabolizers of opiates. This also applies to anti-depressants and many other medications. It is in your genes.

There is a lab that actually can test you to see which medications work best and also make suggestions to help the doctor adjust your dosage accordingly. Many doctors are using this with their patients now. You might want to check out their website at

Good Luck,
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