OMG I hurt so bad

Trauma Queen
on 5/14/08 3:06 am - Jacksonville, FL
nothing anyone can do it's all in my f'ing head. I've been in extreme pain for three sleep despite ambien. I doubled up my Lyrica at every thats 450 mgs a day..and last night I took a extra 75mgs to control pain.  This is also with Motrin AND tylenol along with it throughout the day. Pain meds won't help...they just mask..I WANT THIS **** GONE!!!!!!!!! I want to blow my brains out (I am safe not suicidal) just to get some relief. I am not suicidal but I can sure tell you that some strange things have crossed my mind to get relief. Hot baths, meditation and rest are not helping.  Hard to meditate when you wanna kill everyone around you. I just dont know what to do anymore I need relief and nothing is helping.
brachioplasty 7/11/07
Breast reduction/lift and axilla repair 9/5/07
Mons reduction and L arm brachioplasty repair 01/02/08
Tummy tuck with Anchor cut  3/12/08
Lower body lift TBA
on 5/16/08 5:52 am - Altavista, VA
I am totally with you. Last few days have been hell. Had one night that I woke up at 3 am and couldnt go back to sleep all day. I was a mental case. I did have a drug induced night of sleep last night and a 30 min nap today but am still drained. Put on tens unit a few min ago, hope it will help as meds dont seem to be. Could take more but Ill be comatose if I do and sleeping makes me depressed as does no sleep. I pray for a break in this very soon for both of us.  Shannon
The greatest of faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none. Thomas Carlyle
Trauma Queen
on 5/26/08 5:08 am - Jacksonville, FL

Hi Shannon, I think I'm finally over my flare up of pain. It lasted a good two weeks. It's like NOTHING works when I'm in that kind of pain...nothing. I hope by now you are also feeling better. I hate hate HATE fibromyalgia.  It is the worst. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy! Sleeping also makes me depressed.  But somtimes it's all I can do to get to sleep when I'm having a flare up. My doctor told me if I take more Lyrica than he prescribed he would not see me anymore. Ok..fine.  So what do we do when we are dealing with that amount of pain and our meds are NOT working? Sheesh... Yes, for years I am learning how to deal with chronic pain. How to LIVE and work when I hurt so bad I wanna curl up in a ball and die. Achey all the time, hurting all the time does a number on your mind. No one can understand unless they endure it. I read once that we (as fibro patients) actually have a lower tolerance to pain than say the general public. I find this statement to be assinine. I live with constant pain that is dull then it flares up to the point of not being able to handle it. How does living in constant pain make us low tolerant to pain more so than the average person who doesn't experience pain on a daily basis?????

brachioplasty 7/11/07
Breast reduction/lift and axilla repair 9/5/07
Mons reduction and L arm brachioplasty repair 01/02/08
Tummy tuck with Anchor cut  3/12/08
Lower body lift TBA
Casey Q.
on 7/7/08 9:11 pm - Dayton, OH
sorry I know this is old I just wondered how you were doing.  I hate flare ups it is like no one understands.  I have 4 girls I have tro keep up with and some days are so bad,

Casey married to love of my life Steven, serving in Iraq, and mom to 4 beautiful girls, hoping to adopt a  boy in the future Mar 5th 2003 lap band placed 277Nov 15th 2005 revision/AGB removed, hiatial hernia repaired, RNY. 270/219/180 -60 pounds 



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