fentanyl patch...

on 3/23/08 12:20 pm
OK, so, they now have me on 12mg fentanyl patch...yeah, 12mg! BIG WOW! So, as you can guess, it's not doing diddly. I am planning on calling them in the AM ASAP to letthem know & see what they have to say. I have had to take a few Vicodin to get me by, but I dont think I am going to tell them that, what do you think? I think I will keep that to myself for now, until I see how they sound about it now cutting it for me. SO, for those of you out there on the patch...what levels are you all on? Would love to hear from you,  Angelic
on 3/24/08 5:45 am - Altavista, VA
I am on 50mg now, have been for months. They started me on 25's. I really want off it but scared of what pain will be like. My family sends me emails weekly about the dangers of the patch but who knows if they will ever understand. Best wishes and hope it helps you. I found out hard way how much it was working earlier this year when I forgot to replace my patch. I was dying in pain w/in a fw hours.  Shannon
The greatest of faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none. Thomas Carlyle
on 3/24/08 7:18 am
Thank you Shannon for your reply. I cant believe they started me on 12mg! I mean COME ON!!!, BUT, I have a call in to the Dr office today, waiting for the Doc to get back to the nurse who is helping me, then HOPEFULLY she will say to just add on a nother 12mg patch. But, we shall see. I have had NO side efffects with this drug, which is AMAZING! SO I am praying that that will be a plus on my side to help her decide to give me a higher dose! It's good to hear from you Shannon, I hope all is well on your end, I really do. This fybro is really starting to break me down. Maybe that should be another post!! Anyways, thanks for your helping me better understand what to expect. Angelic
on 3/24/08 7:21 am - Altavista, VA
It only made me sleepy when i first put in on for a little while. I have to change mine every 48 hours. Thats how long they last but it may be because of my skin, They dont stick much longer than that and i start to break out if not moved after 2 days. Hope you get some help. I am up and down w/ pain. Im tired of asking people for help around the house. Its been almost 3 months since surgery but I could still hurt myself if i over do it. I get xrays on april 8th to see if fusion is taking.  Shannon
The greatest of faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none. Thomas Carlyle
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