Hi to all of you, I'm new here but 11 years with fibromilgia.

(deactivated member)
on 1/25/08 9:04 am - Mcfarland, WI
VSG on 02/14/08 with
Today, someone told me about this forum, I'm so glad to find you guys. 12 years ago we moved to USA, it was so hard for my husband that he cried for 3 years ( it was my fault I draged him here).  During these first years we found out our daughter was dying, she went under surgery, she was # 69 in that kind of surgery.  Living in a new country, new language, new job ( cleaning houses, I could not do something diferent, no experience, no record, it was so hard, but I did it),  learning how to drive at age 29 ( in the snow!!) It was to much, I got fibro.   I was size 5 back then, and I just start gaining weight, my metabolism disappear. The pain, I don't need to tell you, but so much, diferent symtoms, I though I was crazy, I just couldn't belived it, I did not want to acepted it.   In the morning I just could not walk, I had to wait like half hour to put my  feet down, then a friend of my give me the CUDDLE EWE MATRESS, LET ME TELL THIS MATRESS HAD BEEN MADE THE BIGGEST DIFERENTE  IN THIS JOURNEY WITH FIBRO FOR TO START THE DAY .   In 2002 I discovery WALK AWAY THE POUNDS, two months later after I started, I went for a walk with my daughter who was 9 years old, and she said to me, 'mom do you know that this is the first time in my life that you are out walking with me".  I just started crying, it was true.  I saw her learning how to ride a bike through the window, I always so her playing out side with her father, it was true, that was the fisrt time I walking with her in a summer day.  Well, let me tell you that one of my biggest concern about having vsg is that I'm worry about the recuperation time, because I don't heal like other people do, it take me time.   I don't take pill for pain, only if I really cannot handle it, I learn to live with pain, but I stay home and I can go to be any time I want, I sleep 2 hour every day during the day time .  I was on depresion pill for one year, I'm out, because I think the hipnosis that I use for to try to loss weight it help me with my depresion ( not with my weight).  I hope my experience with cuddle ewe and walk away the pound will help someone. I hope to I will make some friends in this forum, looking forward to meet you guy. Ivannia Herrera
on 1/27/08 4:12 pm - Okeechobee, FL

Hi, and Welcome. I have just found the board also about a week ago.Laurie

Highest373/Surgery335/Goal 175 

(deactivated member)
on 1/29/08 8:07 am - Mcfarland, WI
VSG on 02/14/08 with
Hi: sorry I haven't aswer back.  I'm so glad someone finally reply my letter.  What do you think about my wo recommendations? Ivannia  
(deactivated member)
on 1/29/08 8:12 am - Mcfarland, WI
VSG on 02/14/08 with
Laurie what kind of surgery are you going to have?? 
on 2/15/08 3:35 pm - Okeechobee, FL
Sorry it took so long to get back. I am having rny. Laurie

Highest373/Surgery335/Goal 175 

(deactivated member)
on 2/18/08 6:00 am - Mcfarland, WI
VSG on 02/14/08 with
Hi Laurie, I'm back from mexico, very long trip from wisconsin, specially with this weather, every thing is going ok, only a lot of pain.  dificult to lay in bed, a lot of pain, but besides that I'm a happy vsg. Ivannia
on 2/23/08 1:41 pm - Central, CA
Hi, I just discovered this board tonight! Yea! I'm having the DS, hopefully soon. Ivannia, I hope you're feeling better soon.
Monax4 SW/227, CW/171, 5'3.25"

on 2/29/08 1:16 am
Hi, my name is Cynthia and I am going to have the RNY surgery the 18th of March.  I have suffered from Fibro for more than 12 years now.  I also heal slower then most people.  I just had surgery on my bladder three diffrent times in the past 4months, the last time was no more then 2 weeks ago.  I am also affraid that I will not heal the same and I will take a lot longer to recover form this.
(deactivated member)
on 2/29/08 1:34 am - Mcfarland, WI
VSG on 02/14/08 with
Hi cyntia: I had my surgery 2 weeks ago and I'm so good right now that u can belive.  I'm doing my 30 minutos walk, to get some company I put walk away the pound and I march with them.  Today I'm ready to stard the two miles but moving my hands too, the doctor told me that I have to wait 1 months for to use the weights.   I have lost 16 pounds.  Now the day after the surgery I had a big but big pain in my shoulder, so bladly that they shot me with some morfine ( don't know how to spell it).  When I came home I had pain going down to my bed or to sit, but from the fribromialgia truly only my hip hurt for like 10 days, I'm better now.   I had a cold for 5 days, been in bed like for two, so scary to get pneumonia, but I'm better now too. The best way to heal for me was to have my sister in law helping me in every thing, she cook, clean, do the laundry etc et****il today I'm all alone with my homework, but I feel so strong that I'm not afraid. Hope will help, lol Ivannia     
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