Newbie to Forum
I am 37 years old and have suffered with FMS for 12 years. I am currently taking Cymbalta 60mg and Elavil 50mg. This is starting to now work so well. I constantly run a fever of at least 100 which is high since my normal body temp is 96 . I mostly feel like I have a mild case of the flu all the time. Is there anything else out there that works. How long has this forum been here, I wish I had found it sooner.
I'm a newbie too. My Dr put me on Lyrica and told me that it is the first drug that was for fibromyalgia it is also for diabetic neuropathy. I've been taking it for several months and it has helped me out alot. But I also take oxycodone, soma and I have a morphine pump in my spine. I hope this helps and welcome to the site!
Take care,