what 2 do i need some help
guys this is the third time i put an aplication 2 get the opo done i have changed my pcp 3 times i am bummed
and need some advise i need the opo i am 5'7 and i weigh 378lb my bmi is 59. i have no medical problems and im healthy i was told that it was medicaly needed and because i have no problems i cant get the opo i need advise can any one help thanks 4 all ur help. i will keep on posting thank u.

Hi Veronica, I had the surgery on Aug 9,2005 I too was denied but only I was denied five times before I was approved for the surgery. My starting wt was 270 lbs I also had a lot of health problems yet my insurance provider didn't want to pay for the WLS. I suffered from high blood pressure I took 2 different types of medication for. plus I had sleep apenea I had to sleep with a c-pep machine and I also had severe asthma. yet and still my insurance provider didfn't want to pay for my procedure. I tried weigh****chers, Jenny craig, Diet pill's you name it I tried it. I even joined a gym. I kept trying until one of my aquatints told me that medicare paid for her surgery. I had blue cross and blue sheild of Il as my primary and medicare as my secondary ins. Medicare ended up paying for my surgery and I'm greatful for that. I feel so much better all of my medical issues are dissolved. but my suggestion to you is to make sure this is what you want because it is a serious surgery. And ask yourself are you ready to make a life style change? because you will be making a life style change. And are you ready to work out? there are a lot of sacrifaces you have to be willing to make if and when you get the surgery. by the way I weigh 155 lbs now and feeling great!!!!