Wondering if you have any ideas?

on 1/31/05 2:27 pm - Oakdale, MN
Hello, Right now I'm looking for ways to have fun at work. I work at a jail and we deal with lots of negativity I'm looking for new ways to fun at work and make this apart of our day. I firmly believe that Americans work very hard and might even work harder and longer hours then most countries. Everything is rush rush rush. We don't have enough fun at work, barley enough time for breaks. I think that if we can create a more fun environment people won't dread coming to work all the time, and our productivity will increase. I'm wondering if any of you can help me with this by giving me some ideas. I feel like I'm sitting in a valley at work and the water is starting to rise water being the stress around us. People I work with are either late everyday or are calling in sick time and time again. Something has to change and i'm thinking maybe this would help. Rachel Erickson
on 2/22/05 9:16 am - Seattle, WA
Hi Rachel; [quote]I feel like I'm sitting in a valley at work and the water is starting to rise water being the stress around us. People I work with are either late everyday or are calling in sick time and time again.[/quote] This makes me think that there is more going on than just not enough fun. Low morale is a poison to any work environment. What are the main problems going on there? Are people feeling overworked and underappreciated? If so, that is where I would begin. Could you set up a suggestion box where people could anonymously contribute ideas on how they feel their work environment might be improved? Would your higher ups be wiling to discuss small changes that could be made? Good luck. I think it's awesome that you are making a real effort to be part of the solution.
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