on 8/19/08 10:31 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY
AUGUST 20 REFLECTION FOR THE DAY All of The Program's Twelve Steps ask us to go contrary to our natural inclinations and desires; they puncture, squeeze, and finally deflate our egos. When it comes to ego deflation, few Steps are harder to take then the Fifth, which suggests that we "admit to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs." Few Steps are harder to take, yes, but scarcely any Step is more necessary to long-term freedom from addiction and peace of mind. HAVE I QUIT LIVING BY MYSELF WITH THE TORMENTING GHOSTS OF YESTERDAY? TODAY I PRAY May God give me strength to face that great ego-pincher --Step Five. May I not hesitate to call a trusted hearer of Fifth Steps, set up a meeting and share it. By accepting responsibility for my behavior, and then sharing my account of it with God and one other, I am actually unburdening myself. TODAY I WILL REMEMBER My Fifth Step pain is also my liberation. HUGSS
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