Health whine warning...
Ok so its been over a week.... my breathing yes is MUCH better but the steroids are kicking my butt still... I have one more full week on them.. I am in the tapering off part now...
I swear I have gained 15lbs and its all in my face...I feel like the freaking michelin tire woman... My husband says I am "moon pied" I have no more cheek bones.. they have been absorbed by some sort of un natural force... I am still getting winded when I over do... and coughing is my only form of exercise still... although again I am 100% better and can take a deep breath its just the morning coughing olympic events I am taking part in...
I am still tired all the time.. not weak just really tired... and by 1:30 I am toast and done for the day... There are so many things I want to do today but know that once I get up and get ready I will be to tired to do them... I feel old.. I mean really old.. I'm 44 and feel like I am 88... I really just want to cry and the last couple of days I have fought back the tears because I dont want Spark to feel bad... but right now I am ready to bawl my eyes out... It takes me 3x longer to do anything... either no motivation or just to freaking tired...
I am also moody as hell.. little things upsetting me... again probably the steriods but I am not the kind of person that things really bother me... I am very easy going and right now I am feeling like the &itch from hell...
ugh I can't wait till this is over!!
Ok I think I am done whining for now...

aweeee.. (Debbywhoisjustundertheweatherrightnow)..
and have you quit smoking
... just asking..
I bet you wanna punch me right now huh..
it's okay.. I know you're weak..
and I'll sacrifice if it makes you feel better

My gosh... your tiredness and motivation sounds like me.
Ya sure you're not pregnant?
I am assuming you are checking your oxygen sats regularly... but it still sounds like you arent' getting enough due to how worn out you are getting so easily.
Unless the steriods do that?
I am not sure.
My dad was on them also... but he was so taken over by arthritis by that point, that we might not have noticed additional tiredness.
I am still freaked out at your previous sats.
I check my sats all the time.. and they are in the 94 range usually... I think I was just so bad its gonna take time... and I need to be patient... I have been on steroids before but for the normal 7 days.. at end of this it will be over 2 weeks and at much higher dosage.. I'm doing some research on it so we'll see ...
I know one thing... even though I have quit smoking and this happened well after I had quit.. I will never touch it again...