
Hotter than Haydie's

on 7/7/08 10:21 am - Reno, NV
Is that how you spell that? Man it's cookin in Renoville! Today it got 101 and it's expected to go up everyday! Man, I remember going through this at 400 lbs and it was so much worse! Now it sucks but not so much. Days like this I really am thankfull for my procedure! I see people that are big and just feel so damned sorry for them. Even the dogs are sweatin! I let them out to potty and they come back in a plop down on the floor under the cooler. It's actually kinda funney to watch them. Then California is burning down and Deb can't breath. I get the feeling it's gonna be a long summer! So what the temp where you are? Are ya dealin with humidity? Thank God it's dry here! Happt toasting everyone! Sparky
on 7/7/08 11:40 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
MOVE EAST YOUNG MAN Today upper 80's (almost 90) with some humidity I guess.. hard to tell in air conditioning all day altho I did leave the air off at the house today..but when I got home I turned it on. Wasn't too bad..
on 7/7/08 9:49 pm - Reno, NV
EAST? OKAY we're coming to live wit you Momma. Get ready to spoon and cuddle!
Steve G
on 7/7/08 12:12 pm - CA
100 and smokey skies.
on 7/7/08 9:53 pm - Reno, NV
Ah Yeah you must be smokin down there. Last I heard over 200 hundred fires down there! I got kin in Sacramento that don't run their AC and let me tell ya I ain't goin back to to see there happy butts till the fall! Hang tough Steve! STay cool Bud! Sparky
Becky B.
on 7/7/08 1:38 pm - Petaluma, CA
Upper 90's and clear as can be here ... so glad the smoke is gone from my area! I have AC in my home so its not so bad ... humidity? whats that? hehehe
on 7/7/08 9:55 pm - Reno, NV
OK we're comin to visit. Do ya protein? How bout coffee? If not we'll bring it! See ya soon! Sparky
Becky B.
on 7/8/08 5:48 am - Petaluma, CA
I got a variety of protein hehehe and coffee! come on over for a visit you guys should ride the bikes hehe.
Moma V.
on 7/7/08 3:04 pm - Frogtown, OH
upper 80's here today, muggy as he double hockey sticks. I heard the 1st locus singing tonight already 6 weeks of summer left by their calls..
on 7/7/08 9:58 pm - Reno, NV
Really? Six weeks of summer comes after you hear the locust sign? Hmm go figure? Well it sounds about right though don't it? Upper 80's ain't so bad though darlin. Hugs, Sparky