OK I feel like crap! Just wanted everyone to know that cause I hate to suffer alone and my wifer is sick of hearing me snivel. Plus my throat hurts from the track thingy. My uvula is all swole up. Mine is split so it looks like to testicles hanging back there. I got gas rolling and rolling and it just don't wanna come out. Ok I've snivelled enough and will shut up now. PPPPlease evryone feel sorry for me cause it really does help! sparky
awweeee you *** here and lay your head on my chest.. and let me nurse you back to health you poor thang you.. bless yer heart.. tell momma what you want and I'll get it for ya..
damn this is fun.. I don't know why Deb don't like babying ya.. but I gotta give you back to her and go to bed now.. Nite Sparky
I can honestly say ... "I feel your pain". I out of the good stuff and now on the mercy of my surgeons nurse to call me back and getting something called in.
So sweetie.. you are not alone.
I have some gas too that don't want to come out too... this is a killer when your spouse squats and you here a big fart arse toot come out. UGHHH!
I am sitting here reading your posts, and I am having to put a pillow over my belly cause you are making me laugh...
Hope you feel better Sparkster. Maybe Deby and Greg can get on here and compare our sniveling notes.