I have been holding onto a secret for awhile now and have finally made it public at work that I thought I should share with my friends on the sitting down? You ready? okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.....
Nate and I are expecting our first baby BOY on November 11, 2008! Yes, that means that I am 19 weeks pregnant and one of the happiest women alive......I am sorry for not sharing it with you all earlier but because of my age (Advanced Maternal Age over 35) I have had to have several tests done and wanted to get past some NT Scan (that tests Downs, etc) came back very low risk and my other tests are all normal/negative.......sooooooooooooooooo, I finally let my boss and work know yesterday/today.......and now I am telling another group of friends.....sorry for holding back....hope you understand and can forgive me....
So, yea....I have been asking Maria, Lisa and Beckie tons of questions here on the board and you may have read into it.....was trying to be have been a very active lurker on the pregnancy after WLS board and will likely start getting active...they are a wealth of information for us WLS types.....
We are EXTREMELY excited....just elated......we simply just continue to pray for a healthy baby.....Nate is like a little kid in a candy store telling meant the world to me to have him here with me last week to go to my doctors appt with me and to go to the ultrasound that they announced the gender.....he was so cute learning that he was going to have a son.....
So, now it is out in the open and will start talking about it more....thanks for sharing in the excitement and if you are the praying type I will take you up on any prayers you want to throw our way
Much love,
Ann, Nate and Baby BOY Gill (that is our name for him now)
PS I hope that I can get Liz from OKC to post now seeing this....she truly called this that I would be pregnant and she was RIGHT.....
Thanks my good friend Rhondie....and THANK YOU for keeping our secret a secret It was awesome to share my news with you and Dawnie that special weekend in TN....
No horrid stories sure there are going to be some nasty poopy diaper stories and Nate is already excited there will be another guy in the house to pee on the toilet....oh damn.....
love you more~~
hell no on baby
a friend at work actually bought us a baby book and brought it to me today she says i am the PTA mom anyway....I do cute stuff for them at work all the
no more secrets....well, my boobies are getting bigger...does that count? LOL
i hope to see dawnie was great talking to her tonight