GRIPE (Gas Prices)
This really sucks.
I would really like to take the kids to a little park/beach (a beach of the Chesapeake Bay)... but all I can think is how it would cost probably $15 (maybe even $20) worth of gas just to get there and come back.
I am also remembering how irritated I was about two years ago when I found myself paying $1.97 for a gallon of gas.
I just recently changed employers because of gas prices, I was driving RT 30 miles a day, now 8 and my boss at the old place thought scheduling 40 hours in 6 days was the best schedule.. NOT! This job also pays more per hour, it was a win-win thing, although I DISLIKE THIS JOB! but so does EVERYONE that is employed there. ~sigh~ It is that, just a job.
I was having to chose between gas for my car to keep that job or buy groceries for my child. Well.. I made the choice.
I am falling so behind in my bills, I have to do something,haven't got a paycheck from the new place yet. I have NEVER been this far behind EVER, I mean ever, even when I made half as much $ and no I'm not an overspender, but everythings cost is riding and it's mostly because of gas prices! and my alternative means of transportation - my motorcycle is on the crap out right now, hopefully it is not an expensive fix.
I need me a sugar daddy or sumtin!