GRIPE! Uncooperative baby! Another no-go sono!
Un-named baby boy REFUSES to turn around so they can look at his heart without having his spine in the way!
I turned on my right side... I turned on my left side... I ate sugar (as much as I dare)... I drank caffeine... I moved around....
The only thing I could think of that I KNEW would get him flailing was s-e-x -- and I didn't think the sono tech would take kindly to hubby and I hopping up on the exam table.
I have to go back again Monday.
(But I would rather go back for "no reason" than because they are concerned about something... so I am not really complaining... just teasing the fetal one. And I always feel better after getting a sono anyway. Makes me breathe easier to see a beating heart and growing and wiggling baby parts.)