Updated ~slightly~
HHHHHHHHHHHHHELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Moma!!!! Where have you been????? Glad you posted....and HELLO.....we do care...and I just gandered over there....it looks HAWT....wow....my profile is still VERY old and one day I will get it caught up......you look mahvelous too.......
and love the bike....love it....what else is going on with you......
hugs back,
just working and mostly at home. I had a goal and it was to get this motorcycle running!
Thanks for saying I look mahvelous hun, since my last b-day I've been having doubts, no matter the weight loss, facts are in, I'm still getting older.
Not much else is going on with me, my son does better on the bike than I do, however he has no fear, I do since I've moved from the back seat to being a rider. brat!
yes you do need to update Mrs. Nate