Madelyn Page's birth story
It has taken me a while to get back online since Maddie's birth.. but here I am and I would like to share her birth story while she is sleeping.. could only be a minute or two.. lol
On Wednesday, March 19... I got to the hospital at 6 a.m. and they hooked me up to the monitors.. and I was having breif contractions.. seemed like an instant replay of having Mallory! IV's were in place and we waited for the anesthesiologist and my OB. Finally, it was 7:30 and game time.
In the OR, the spinal was done and I will not lie, it hurt.. more like stung and then it hurt while the meds were injected. My feet became extremely warm immediately and then I noticed everything felt like it was asleep.. They helped me lay down and then brought Jonathan in to be with me. I did get sick to my stomach but the doc gave me meds and I was ok.. super emotional but ok.
It took what seemed like forever in there. Lots of pressure and tugging but I couldnt feel pain at all. All I kept saying was "how strange this is.. what a odd feeling".
Then I heard her and I cried with her. I couldnt see her and they told me she was beautiful but I was so anxious to see her for myself. She cried and cried what a wonderful sound!! Healthy lungs and voicebox!! Daddy went to be with her and cut her cord.. he cried immediately.. All I could hear was "hello Beautiful" and "hello baby girl" from him. Then he brought her over and I lost it!!! She was perfect. I looked her over for the whole time they let me hold her.
They took her back to clean her up a little and they closed me up. This time they used a glue of somesort and not steri strips (which I had a reation to last time).
Maddie was pounds 14 ounces and 21 inches. She was named Madelyn Page (one of her Daddy's idols is Jimmy Page, the guitarist). She looks a lot like Mallory but different all the same. Jaundice was an issue this time too.. She was at 11 at 24 hours old and had to spend 24 hours or more *cant remember how long but it was too long being away!* in an incubator with the phototherapy light. We were discharged on Saturday and went to the doctors yesterday where her levels were 15.4. Now we go for another lab tomorrow.. please pray that it goes down because if it goes up, she has to be readmitted for more photo thereapy. (currently, I am waiting for the sun to come through our front window because we will sit in the sun all afternoon!!!).
That is my story.. I love her to peices.. Mallory is adjusting nicely.. she cries when Maddie cries, she laughs at Maddie's peep noises, and she puts her head to Maddies head for loves. It is so cute but she doenst know how gentle to be ... Life with two girls is taking time for me to get used to and balance my time but I will adjust.. and so will they..
Thanks for letting me share!!
I will put them in my prifile shortly
this one made me cry...¤t=Maddie1.jpg
she is PERFECT..
thanks for sharing Beckie
Awww this is so exciting ... our second board baby She and I have the same birthday!!! (well my re-birthday hehe) She is adorable as is Mallory and yourself. You are a good momma Beckie, I hope you have fun ... you are going to have your hands very full now so dont you go forgetting about us out here
Love to you and the family
Hi beautiful!!!!!
You are still stunning...even in the hospital after gorgeous thing....and so is Maddie....omg....she is a little Mallory My new little niece looks like her older sister did as a baby too....she is absolutely gorgeous and I am so happy for you!!! The pics are so great......keep them coming momma
Glad you are home now too....then I can send sumthing