Insomnia Monday
I have never really experienced insomnia.. maybe a night here and there..
I was up the other night though.. We had made a fire in the fire place but the wind kicked up so bad outside that it was blowing the smoke back down the chimney and into our house. So, we let it go out and that was about 6 p.m... By the time I went to bed, there wasnt an ounce of smoke to be smelled or seen..
However.. because my brain is crazy, I wake up at midnight and swear I smell smoke from the chimney (other side of the house and no fire or even embers are left). It is "so bad" to me that I feel like I cant breathe. So, I decide to lay on the couch *next to said fireplace
* I make a mental note that there is no flames, no smoke, no smell.. lay down.. just about fall asleep and my damn brain says "SMOKE!!!! YOU CANT BREATHE". idiot brain.. So, I stuck my head outside the glass door.. watched the wind in the trees.. froze.. then ate a piece of bread and butter.. and next thing I know, I wake up and it had been 2 hours of sleep..
So, long story short.. eat bread, makes you have the dumpies in sleep form!!!