In stiches
Well as if this week could not get worse I decided to get in a fight with my butcher knife...and the knife won!
Let me see if I can explain this...I was emptying the drainer in the kitchen to wash another sink of dishes and I had put the butcher knife in the tray of the drainer (so I wouldn't cut myself when I pulled it out...yeah..I'm smart) and there was a skillet in the back of the drainer that I was going to put away. So I grab the skillet to put it up and somehow it snagged on the corner of the drainer pulling it up by the corner...the butcher knife was pulled up with it and the handle of the knife fit perfectly in the "grooves" of the drainer so when the drainer came up the knife came of with side up and went right into my arm...almost cut my arm to the tendon and muscle...thank God it wasn't sharper then it was or it would have cut all the wa, it was bad enough as it was
so I now have 9 stitches in my arm..luckily they didn't have to put stiches inside and out...they thought they might but the doctor was great and "trimmed" all the gnarly fatty tissue that was "exposed" due to the cut and he only put in the stitches on the outside, I have to keep a watch on it to make sure my arm doesn't get numb or anything because he said if it does it could mean I messed up some nerves. So anyway, yes Wanette is again limitless in her clumsiness and accident prone self.
P.S. Yes and my husband finally got to say "I told you so" because he kept telling me that laying that knife in the tray was probably more dangerous then sticking it in the utensil slot on the drainer.