You have always been a source of strength on this board and I honestly dont think I am speaking for myself. As Liz pointed out the other day, there have been vast changes in all of our lives. Sometimes, the drama of our lives have been played out on the board right in front of us all. At other times, behind the scenes backstabbing created turmoil and devide. However, the stong bonds that were formed have yet to be broken. We cant all get along and we cant all like one another. At times, we have chosen to deal with that in petty ways and other times, we have taken the high road and stood firm on the basis of support. Through it all, you were always there shining your light. Even during your rough patches, you exposed your inner termoil and opened up to us. What I love about you most is the fact that you are so REAL. I have admired you more and more because of your honesty and openess with all your struggles. It cant be easy to put your shortcomings out there, but you do it and I have gained so much respect and admiration for you. I learn a lot about life from you. You are a great example of what a successfull life after WLS can be like. The addiction you faced post op is one that I think a lot of us could have easily fallen into. I know myself, I was headed down that path. We are a family, like it or not. We have shared hook-ups, break-ups, marriage, death, addiction, failed surgeries, success stories, new jobs, graduations, babies...etc. In my mind, you are one of the elders. I look up to you, admire, love and respect you.
Please dont ever feel like you are unwanted!!! You are da bomb momma.....
It's hard to take a compliment.. but as another person that I admire once said.. she was raised to take it gracefully.. so...
Thank YOU Dawn (my babies momma)..
I was strugglin to talk about my struggles most recently on here.. I guess because it's also about Dan.. whom is an *elder* also and I don't want to cause him embarrassment.. but one should not be embarrassed when they are struggling.. they should be proud for not giving up. And I am proud of him.. for not giving up.. altho it is still a struggle for BOTH of us. But with Chris's post.. and then Jen's post.. I felt the need to keep it *real* why allow anyone to think that they are all alone when others are struggling too.
So I think Chris and Jen for OPENING UP also..
I am thankful that some people who are going thru life without a care. But I truly admire those who are working thru their struggles.. even those who fall down alot... I guess cuz I've had skinned knees myself now and then and know how much it can hurt..
Love ya Dawn and anytime you get a boo-boo on your knee.. I'll kiss it for ya! true this is! Rhonda has been an inspiration for me for so long .......she tells it like it is and she is brave enough to open herself up to help others. I would help do anything to ease any difficulties or pain she is going through. I know sometimes we get caught up in our own crap but even when Rhonda is going through so much she always has time to help any of us out on this board and for that I love you My Red-Headed beauty
I know since My Dad's death I've lost myself somewhere, I find that I have stopped believing in myself, I have spent to much time alone finding my old friend food again. I have put on 8 pounds which I beat myself up everyday about. I feel like I will never find someone to share my life with and when I type this or say it out loud it is nothing in the big scheme of things. people on this board are dealing with so much once again Rhonda thank you for getting me off my pity party and if I can do anything for you I'm here......I will always be here for are truly a gift in my life and on this board
and when I read posts like Jen's with the struggles she's going thru with her little ones.. I feel like mine is not so significant either.. and *that* helps me get me off my pity pot
I guess any *thing* that bothers us personally is not so insignificant.. but it does help to look at others and try to help them.. it just feels good to help others..
sometimes tho I think that I offer more support on the board than I do in real life.. it's easy to type out words of support... sometimes not as easy to live by them. All we can do is try.. BABY STEPS
Yeah Dawn for giving Kudos to Rhonda!!!
There was a time when I couldn't help but back off a bit because I thought you were spiralling and it was too hard to watch from a close distance.
But now I see you working so hard to improve your heath and life and I can't begin to imagine how hard it must be.
When escape can just be a form of self-medication away... the temptation is overwhelming (as many of us know from self-medicating with food).
But you keep moving forward... and I have again come to respect you soooo much, that I feel to go on about would start to seem almost insincere.
Go Rhonda!