Just passed my....
three year anniversary and didn't even remember. I started at 6'3 367 size 44-46 pants and xxl shirts. Now I am 6'3 235 size 34 and some 32's and large shirts. I am finally after three years starting to see a new person. My mind is finally wrapping itself around this. I am closing in on my 30's (5 months to go)...and plan to make this decade much better than my 20's.
I still struggle from day to day with food....(as I take the last bite of my Reeses peanut butter egg) But I have learned that if I let myself induldge a little bit it takes the edge off of wanting junk food. I catch glimpses of myself in mirrors and think is that really what I look like? I would love to be someone else for 5 minutes and see myself through someone elses eyes so I could mentally get a good picture of what I look like.
I have learned to like exercise and actually look forward to going to the gym. Now I just need to save up 5k to get the lipo suction on a few areas and I am good to go. (I am accepting donations to the cause...minimum donation of 5k!!)
Anyway thanks for reading this...I know some of you are paragraph challenged and only like a sentence or two.
Congrates dude! I know what ya mean! It's fun ain't it? The only thing I struggle with is when I sit down to a really good meal and can only eat 8 bites and I'm stuffed. Sometimes it just ****** me off. But then I look in the mirror and actually like what I see and it's not so bad. Last night Deb and I had chiniese from this great resturant here in Renoville and I couldn't eat but just a little bit. I guess the possitive spin would also be I GOT LEFTOVERS! Great story, Bob