Happy Valentines DAY!
Good morning EVERYONE!
I hope that you all have a most wonderful day and GIRLS I hope that you get all the SPECIAL TREATMENT that we so need.
My honey is out of town working and he will not be home until Sunday, . But I know that he LOVES me and we are just apart until then.
Well as everyone remembers I'm now off and to work. I want you all to be nice and have a GREAT DAY.
OKay talking about peanut butter and celery...did you know my husband had never heard of anyone doing that???????????????????????
He thought I was NUTS when I put peanut butter on my celery, he made the most horrible face lmao
I told him HE was the weird one, I could not believe he had never heard of that
Hello Barb, It's been a long JOURNEY but I would not change anything. Last year this time I really met all of you WONDERFUL peep's and I really started really feeling good aout myself again. I have come a long way and I'm going to be in Gatlinburg again this year to SHOW him off. I'm really happy and life has really been wonderful.