I Made it thru the 1st knee replacement!
Well folks I don't post here that often... But I am a lurker and thought I would post that I made it thru total knee replacement surgery on my right knee. I went in on Wednesday and got out this afternoon. I am walking on it and all. Its a bit sore but that what the good drugs are all about.. LOL!
I am getting around with a walk for now...
I just had to pop in and tell you all I am still alive!!
Take care,
Well Wanette, I have to tell you what it Frickin hurt, comming off of the anesthesia and nerve blockers for over 12 hours I was a yellin and scream !! Why I did I do this... But they nurses kept on reassuring me that it was going to get better and it did... I am up and walking around today with just a cane around the apartment here and feeling not to bad. Infact the incision is ichin like crazy so I know at least its healin good. I have been really pushing the protien for the last 3 weeks and I think that has to do alot too. But it is a bit sore too. So I am doctorin it up with my pain meds too.
I am looking at getting my left one done too... Maybe here this Spring after the right one heals up. But my surgeon asked me if I wanted both done last week and I said Hell NO! So he said give it at least 7 weeks between each surgery and go for it.. So I have to look at that way.
Its no cake walk thats for sure!
Wishing the Best!!
Yes I will be posting more now darn it!! LOL!