I love Tom Brady - Won $800

Brad Ford
on 2/4/08 8:45 am - Central, CT
Holy crap. I missed out on winning the office pool when the stupid Patriots stopped on the 1 inch line at the end of the first quarter. Luckily, nobody scored until the 4th quarter and I won $400 each for the 2nd and 3rd quarters. WHO HOOOOO!!! Teacher got a new iPod for Valentine's day and I got a new laser rangefinder for Golf.
on 2/4/08 8:56 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
make up yer mind.. .. actually your my kinda a fan.. love the one I make money on..
on 2/4/08 9:31 pm - Oklahoma City, OK
Well, congratulations! I think the ipod is a very sweet V Day gift. What I want to know is why do you need a laser rangefinder to find your balls?
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