This has been the year from hell. I'll be so glad to kick it's aise on the way out and welcome in the new and shiney 2008.
I think most of ya'll know both of my parents passed this year. So this will be our first Chirstmas as orphans (can 50 yo's be orphans?) And this week...well let me tell you about that.... one of my crown's popped off last week and I thought, no biggy, I'll just have it glued back right? Nooooooo.......I spent 4 hours in the dentist chair so they could fit me for a new one. Then I drove directly to the hospital to sit with my sis-in-law while my baby brother (he's 50 lol) had most of his thyroid removed, because they didn't think it was malignant but wanted to be sure they got it all just in case. And then TUESDAY I come home from work and somebody had broken into my house and stolen all my mom's jewelry. They got all of mine too, but I have insurance and that can be replaced (up to a point); ironically a couple of years after my grandmother died my house was broken into and her engagement ring was stolen.
Sorry to dump all this on ya'll, especially since I haven't been around much lately. But I've just been so emotional lately. Oh, and the clincher...I had just weaned myself from taking my Effexor...because I was tired of not being able to "feel" my emotions. Well, let me just say I felt every last one of them this week.
I'm such a doofus.
Hope we all have a good 2008, each and every one of us.
Hi Linda so good to hear from you even if all the news did suck. Sorry to hear it's been so bad. We will pray that the up and coming year is much better for you and myself.. altho mine has been getting much.. much better in the past almost 6 months.
Hope you stick around for awhile.. you've been missed