Tornado's, Rain and Frogs...Oh MY!!
So get up at 3 AM in Orange Park Florida to start my trip down to Orlando to catch my 8:24 AM flight. First of all it is raining, well raining would be putting it litely! Holy Crap it can dump here in Florida! Then while I'm driving through the Red Sea I start hearing this Pop Pop sound and realize there are frogs everywhere! Man it was gross! Then I hit one that was the size of a small dog! The little bity car I was driving darn near flipped! So I get through the frogs from satan then I hear on the radio that there is a Tornado warning for such and such county and I start to worry what county I'm in. Then I think if I can hear this I am too damn close. Meanwhile it's still raining like crazy and lightning is everywhere. I called Deb and told her I loved her just incase I got sucked up and spit out a mangled peice of manflesh and Chrysler Seabreeze. She yawns and tells me to call when I get to OZ. Women! Me thinks the honeymoon is over! I made it to the Airport though. Although I did have my worries there for a bit. Honey I'm comin home! WOOHOOO
damnn Sparkie.. I hope you stopped and put some of them there frogs in yer suitcase.. just think of the frogleg feasts you can have that there is better eating than chicken..
now just click your ruby red slippers three times and repeat.. I wann *** home.. I wann *** home..
love ya.. ride safely in the plane.. and I guess we wont' hear from you for a few days as Deb will have you tied up and having her way wit you for quite awhile
so.. miss you in advance
Thus is the reason we in Tennessee have "halfbacks" folks from up north go to Florida thinking "Ahhhhhh land of eternal sunshine, sandy beaches, warm breezes and no freezing azzzzesss off"
When in reality they get there and get suffocating humidity, heat hot enough to melt your fruit of the looms right to your a$$, mosquitos the size of DC-10's (and suck enough blood out of ya to fill one) and storms (when they hit) that are listed on the rictor scale!!
So, they come halfway back to the north and guessed Tennesee...where they are destined to become permanent "tour-ons" as we affectionately call them
Hope ya made it back safely to OZ!! Give the Good witch of the north (aka your WIFE) a hug and kiss from me!!