I am still in Orlando gettin trainned. I actually was swimming in the pool last night. I haven't swam in a public pool in 20 years. It was scantily lit so knowone could see the extra "stuff" if ya know what I mean but I had so much fun! I'd forgotten how much I enjoy swimming. I managed to plug my right ear up though and it's still not unplugged. Talk about aggravating. I can barely hear the instructor.
I am done here in about another 2 hours and will get my rental car and zoom off to Greencove Springs to visit relatives untill sunday morning. Then I am flying home to my woman.
I feel like I've been running around without my right arm for the last week. Really sucks. I used to be extremely independant now I am lost without her. I think she's been putting something in my food!
Love ya Annie! Sparky