I'm sad

liz A.
on 11/3/07 11:07 pm
Maddy (my foster dog) got adopted yesterday & I am very sad. I fell in love with that little monster & I want her back. I have already asked the rescue to give me a rebound dog. (Bruno is sad too. I can tell. the cats, being cats, are indifferent. ) I should go do some retail therapy.
on 11/4/07 12:01 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
as a foster mom.. do you ever get to say I want to adopt and not just foster a dog but if I did that.. I would be adopting them all.. I just don't think I could give 'em up even if to a loving and caring home. take Bruno and go to the park.. he probably needs attention too
liz A.
on 11/4/07 12:23 am
yeah, we get first dibs. but I always worry about the $$ aspect. stupid money. we're going to my moms today for a bday party, so I'll bring bruno. he loves seeing the family
liz A.
on 11/4/07 12:26 am
p.s. yesterday I ordered my carpeting. it hurt parting with the $$ but I guess thats why I was working the overtime. & it will look so nice & be warmer in my bedroom...I cant wait :0) and the spare bedroom wont smell like cat pee anymore its the little things in life
on 11/4/07 12:35 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
yea.. it hurts.. but once it's in it will be something to be proud of.. will be more homey did you get it all thru out.. you'll have to take before and after pics I still need to get mine cleaned.. also we need to paint really.. really bad.. you can actually see like the discoloration or bleeding thru of the steel beams on the outter walls.. not sure why.. but you can. I can look and see where each beam is.. and the beam nails/screws on some.. I just figure there must be no paint on the walls.. it will surely take a couple coats to do the trick. Anyway.. that's why I'm holding off on the carpet cleaning I guess. I kinda want to just pay someone to paint it.. but then think *get off your lazy ass and do it.. * so.. with my procrastination.. that's where I stand (or sit).. also I suck with choosing colors and stuff.. I'm thinking maybe like a carmel color thru out.. I like the different colors..but want something that will go with 'bout everything.. and ate deciding crap like that.. so will probably just pick one good color and go with it. Have fun at the party..
on 11/4/07 4:37 am - Reno, NV
Ya know I just admire the hell outta ya for doing the foster thing for dogs. It takes a special person and a big heart. There are times I wish I were just fostering the ones we have!
liz A.
on 11/4/07 8:16 am
dont get me wrong. some days I want to drop kick them out the front door, she was just one of my favorites. I have such commitment issues thanks though
on 11/4/07 8:51 am - levittown, PA
I wish I could make it better retail sounds like the answeer for you So soon for a rebound?
on 11/4/07 10:00 am - Springfield, IL
Do you want me to come lick your face? Ps - did you ever hear from Deb? That bi'atch!!!!
liz A.
on 11/4/07 10:33 am
no licks thanks. & nope, she promptly blew me off I was just thinking of her too cause TAR is on again!!! hooray! love me some phil. did you guys get my email????
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