most all know that I'm in AA.. just recently (about a month ago) I got a sponsor.. and have been sitting on my hands.. not reading the Book.. not working Step 4.. and yesterday thinking I need to get on the ball.. again...
Well.. I went to AA meeting last night, sponsor was there.. and listened to a lead. Afterwards a lady asked if I would give a lead Wednesday if you know AA.. they suggest to us not to ever say NO to an AA request.. give back what you were given.
So.. please say a prayer for me tomorrow around 6ish would be nice
Thanks everyone.. I sure appreciate everyone who's shared their support with me.. I know I'm not one who can accept support well.. I think I have to be so independent and self sufficient.. but I'm learning that THAT is a character flaw within myself. So thanks again for all who have offered before.. I do appreciate it
Rhonda, you have helped a lot of people with wls related issues and given a lot of
positive inspiration to many. I am sure you will excel at this also. While you are
helping others in the program you are helping yourself at the same time.
Keep up the good work. I remember the first time I met you in St. Louis
a couple of years ago and you made quite an impression on me. Keep up the good
work and be happy too. Life is so short, we all need to make the most of it and we
all know that we get out of it what we put into it.
We are all behind you 100%