I have a fetish..
for many things.. and LAMPS is one of 'em.. especially red cranberry glass ones.. here are a few. Along with poppa and my new dresser and tv stand I lust our dresser.. and he lusts the TV/stand funny how that stuff works..
maybe I'll share some of my other fetishes with ya'll another time
Good evening Ms.Becca so good to see ya. I'm happy to say that YOU are one of the ones who has sat on my love seat..
I've missed ya on the board. Please come back and join us more.. perhaps since winter is fast approaching you will.. altho that's probably perfect weather where you are.
What did you do fun and exciting this weekend.. anything
we only turn all the lamps on when he ties my up to the head board that Sparkie likes so much
bahahahah.. yeah right.. I like subtle lighting.. just one or two lamps in the evening..
and Poppa is the housekeeper.. he cracks a mean whip.. and gets me jumping to clean house.. he wasn't lying about that damn feather duster..