As some of you know Deb has been workin her skinny butt of at the job she currently has and been getting beat up pretty bad with almost daily changes in her work invironment and new demands on her time, leaving little time for family. This has been really hard on her and has even gotten worse with the new boss she has. They gave her a weekend off last week and thought they were doing her a favor! They are not the same company she went to work for. At any rate, we got great news this morning! Another very BIG company has envited her to enter into the background investigation process of her application! 

She would be doing the same thing she does now for Clearwire but the ethics of this "other" company are much higher. She is just about giddy!
She has been under a ton of stress during the last 2 months and this is excellent news! Anyway just wanted to share some good news! Maybe if she works less she'll post more!
OK going to go get them sexy pics! I really am lookin forward to nakie PAPA pics!!

heck no. how could I be mad at the sparkster?!?
youre too freaking adorable.
work just is being anal lately. wanting us to be "stellar" and what not.
so I've been actually trying & cant get to the boards as much
which sucks. I read it as much as possible, but cant post as much as I'd like.
maybe next spring we can try for some tahoe gathering. I've been there once & would LOVE to get there again. its so beautiful.
give debby hugs for me. tell her to give YOU one for me.

that's awesome.. I learned a fews years ago.. that there is no money/position worth stressing everyday.. 24/7. Cuz not only are you at work stressing over it, but you're at home stressing .. even while sleeping. So best wishes in her endevors in this new company. I hope she nails it
and posts more.. or at the least gets to play in bed
with YOU more..
btw.. poppa wants to know if you have web-cam.. he's feeling a little ****y in his little boy panties..