How are YOU ??
I'm doing pretty good..
been working overtime the past couple weeks.. last nite I got off work at 6.. and called a lady that I'm going to ask to sponsor me for AA. I asked if she was going to AA meeting and she said yes. Altho I was wanting to go home.. I went. I felt I should it was the right thing to do.. I've not been in 5 days. So.. I went and sat down and looked and saw a boy I know. I moved closer to him and talked.. he just came in and is detoxing off heroine.. it was his first AA meeting. We listened to the speaker.. and afterwards hugged and I gave him my number and told him when he got out to call me if he ever wanted. If he ever needed a ride to a meeting or anything.. I could/would help him. I think I was suppose to make THAT meeting
I got home.. and my bathroom door was almost pulled shut and the light on.. and Dan was looking suspicious
.. I said WTH..
opened the door and there was a planter hanging from the shower with two balloons (a butterfly and heart) and a lovely card from Allie, Katie and Poppa
just because.. to brighten my day
sooo.. yesterday was a good day.. and how are YOU..

I'm tired and i want to see The Hives again!
I will post some short video i shot at the concert when i get it back from Melanie (i copied it to her computer to make room on my camera's flash card.) Or maybe her computer is here.... hmmmm. i'll have to look. I know you won't like the music but you'll get an idea of how much fun we had because The Hives ARE fun. Actually THE HIVES ARE LAW but that's something to be explained another time.
Hi Jay..
first I want to thank you and Mel for the Thank you card
glad you liked..
second.. I can't wait to hear more updates on The Hives.. if it's on utube.. I just wish we could get it to work on our home 'puter..
maybe some evening or weekend you can get with poppa and figure out why it's not working on our 'puter. I know he's tried to get it up and going.. but it's just not working.
glad you both had such a good time in Chicago.. and keep on keeping on..

Update on me....hmmmm....well, you better sit back and grab your cup of coffee because this might take a while!!
Weight - I'm 10 months post-op and down 167 pounds which means I have less than 100 pounds to reach my goal weight. Okay, so it's 99 pounds to reach my goal...but that's still under 100 pounds!
Health - I had issues starting in June with passing out then having headaches, lightheadedness and fatigue. My PCP referred me to a neurologist and I saw him on Friday. He said there is up to a 20% chance I actually experienced seizures so he is sending me for an MRI this Friday and an EEG next Wednesday. If they are all clear, then he said "sometimes, you just pass out", which goes along with what my PCP feels my problem is....VasoVagel Syncope. If that's the case, it's just a matter of knowing my triggers for passing out. If it's seizure activity...then we'll start a course of treatment. For the headaches, he said it is probably from hitting my head on the pavement when I passed out in June. I more than likely had a mild concussion and it's the after effects of that. He put me on Topamax to hopefully go from 2-3 headaches a week to 1-2 a month.
School - I had wanted to go back to school this fall to begin studying to be a surgical tech. I've put that on hold until atleast springtime. I've been too worn out and bothered by the headaches to deal with school.....and now the idea that if it is VasoVagel Syncope.....a surgical tech might not be the best career choice for me. Unless I can find really short surgeries so that I don't have to stand for long periods of time. Or rather...pass out 15 minutes into every surgery!
Family - I've recently realized the value of my family. Like most WLS patients, I've gone through growing pains this summer from gaining confidence in myself, getting back my self esteem and feeling like I'm finally living again. I've been so busy making friends and doing new things that I didn't realize that I'd been neglecting my family. It was a heart to heart with my brother that made me realize how important my family is to me and how important I am to them. I miss my cuddle time with my nieces and nephews. I miss my brother/sister time with my brother. That's why I have a renewed sense of who I am and what I want in life....and I want to be a part of my family. I want my nieces and nephews to know me and I want to know them. We're going camping in a couple of weeks and I can't wait to spend time with them.
Dating - I've finally started dating! WOOHOOOOO!! I don't have anyone serious in my life, but I'm looking for that one. I know he's out there somewhere....I just have to find him. I've been told by so many people that if I just stop trying so hard it'll happen when I least expect it. I guess that could happen.....but I don't want to take any chances!!
Okay...I think that about covers it!

awweee see-ster
.. what to do with you.. you are finally growing up.. and it didn't take you nearly as long as it has me..
it's taken me many.. many years to realize that I have been so selfish and not as giving with my family. I do love them.. but always wanted my own fun first, which meant neglecting them.
perhaps it's age.. but I too realize that I want to be there for my family. I'm soooo happy that I gave my ticket away to the AA banquet Saturday, so that I could be at my uncle's 80th birthday party. Many times it's only at funerals that I get to see my aunts, uncles and cousins together.. so it was nice to be there and watch them having fun. And what I love more is being able to say "I love YOU" to my mom.. niece and others. Our family altho love each other.. was always kinda quiet in expressing it into words or actions. Actually.. it's still difficult for me to share that with my dad, altho I'm getting better.
So.. keep us posted on what the doctors find out.. I hope that it's nothing more serous than occasional fainting.. and that perhaps it will go away with time. I know my episodes have..
but if it's something more serious.. you will always be in good hands
love YOU and so glad that our paths have crossed
you are an awesome person.. okay
... I think THAT about covers it!!

Hey Rhonda,
I got your message, so I figured I would come out of hiding.
I am doing good, I have been busy with my kids. Soccer and Volleyball are coming to an end this weekend, but hockey starts up this weekend, so I will be chasing after them. I went to the Gopher game last weekend, and all I have to say, is that when I went to college we never acted like that.
Ok, maybe not that innocent, but I have never seen so many bras being flashed before.
Glad to hear you and Dan are doing well. I will try to post more. Key word is try. Take care and have a great day!

soooo good to see and hear from you
I know that sometimes many of us get caught up in life.. or think that others are not as interested in hearing from us.. but... WE ARE... we want to hear from you and see how you are doing.. and how your kids are doing..
hell.. i didn't think I even knew you had kids..
BUT.. glad to know that you have been caught up in thier lives.. and why are you looking at bras..
are those girls of legal age..
thanks for TRYING.. it's all I can ask for