I am so excited and want to share it with everyone...
This was completely on accident and I am no longer dating the father...there is no impending wedding and I am perfectly okay with that. Due to all of my health problems and surgeries for fibroids I wasn't sure I could get pregnant and certainly never thought it would be easy.

I am not really sure when I am due, I think mid April. Once I go to my Doctor I will be able to tell everyone the exact date...I have to have a C-section so I will get to help pick the day.
I feel pretty good, haven't really been sick and when I have I swear it must be psychological because it is with stuff that wasn't bothering me before I found out. I don't have too much of an appetite even though I know how important it is to get my nutrients.
I can't imagine being in your shoes...husband recovering from surgery...toddler running around and another on the way...take good care of yourself!
If you are really early in your pregnancy, you may not have gotten to the point where morning sickness shows her ugly face.. haha.. or you can be one of the lucky ones (like me) that never got sick. Pray for that.
Just know, once you really start feeling tired and run down, by week 13, it will be a memory and you will feel awesome!!
As far as eating, I eat normally.. then if I am hungry I try to stick to fruits or healthier choices.. but dont get me wrong.. the occasional donut has been my friend lately.. I craved salad with Mallory.. cant get any better than that... This time.. I am not craving much.. more sweets this time .. I gained 19 pounds with Mallory.. and so far I am up about 2-3 pounds and I am 15 weeks.
Take good care and take naps when you can.. you will need them this first few weeks!!!