keep me up?
thats what he said.
so in that i finally fell asleep around 4am & am going on about 3 hrs sleep, I'm struggling to stay awake.
anyone feel like chatting me up?
p.s. I almost just said something naughty
but caught myself.
I'm feeling frisky today...which is surprising since so sleepy. YOU doin.

if i saw it, i forgot. I LOVE that show. it is such high quality TV. i wish all shows were done that well.
we enjoy Prison Break too and i do enjoy it but compared to Heroes it's total cheeseball stuff.
What happened to Parkman's wife? I thought they were reconciling and now they're divorced. Did i miss something or forget something? Where's Nikki and Micha? Did Nikki die? I can't remember.
I don't think George Takei will really die, do you? Oh and doesn't Nate and Peter's mom look like she aged ten years in the off season? Wth???
anyone watch The Bionic Woman? I didn't but i'm just curious if it's as bad as the original or if they made it out as good SF like the original Cyborg book (which is what the six million dollar man was based on) which was a good book.
there is a new show called "life" coming out I'd like to check out.
also you may enjoy "reaper" its directed by kevin smith.
other than that the office (watched & loved last night)
and 30 rock starts next week!! Love tina fey!
but I do want to check out bionic woman too, but theres just too much tv. I need to scale it down.
this guy I went on some dates with is trying to get me to watch deep space 9.
I'm trying to resist.

KS??? i have to see that. hopefully it's a comedy.
DS9 was okay. I watched the first season but i get bored with that stuff easily.
"I am the Sisko." lol. That wasn't even the first season but i think i caught that episode. I must have because i still can't get "I am the Sisko" out of my head. Bill Shatner kicks the ass of all the others. Even "The Sisko".
Only new show I really want to see is Dexter. I think it's new. It's on Showtime. I want to check it out anyway. It seems like my kinda show.
Actually it's not new but new to me. I need to find a pirate right away to get Season one.
HBO blows now... Showtime is where its at Weeds, Californication...Dexter.