sounds awesome D. I know you and she will have a grand time together
Dan and I and mom/dad and maybe sis, brotherinlaw are going to the Funny Bone on the Levee Friday nite.. Dan and a friend Steve are going to a AA Banquet Saturday evening while I go to my uncles 80th birthday party
whoo hoooo.. bring out the strippers..
anywho.. should be good to see family/cousins again. Sunday morning breakfast AA and then who knows what.. maybe home to rest

Hey, D.
The way you write is the way I talk. I am flabberghasted when anyone asks me if I am still "seeing" Wayne. The better question would be "why do you two still have two homes?" When not at work we are together 99% of the time.
He is getting ready to go to Chattanooga for the Falling Leaves Rendezvous, a week-long Earthskills event. It will be VERY odd to be without him. I will be very busy, though, just like I was the last time he went to one of these events near Frederick MD. This past weekend we went to the same gun show twice, hiking and paddling. He got comfortable with our spending so muc time together over the summer.
How is Rossana's name pronounced?