Good Morning everyone.
I have only a few minutes before I have to run but I wanted to let you all know that Jonathan had his spinal fusion surgery yesterday and he did an incredible job during the operation. The surgeon is very happy with the results and expects a great recovery with his pain being cut by at least 75% once all is said and done.
The surgery started at 7:50 a.m. after being prepped from 6:30 a.m. .. I didnt hear from Dr. until it was over at 1:20 p.m. He finally got to his room around 4:45 and kept forgetting he had his morphine button to push for meds.. but he was in a great deal of pain and was very uncomfortable. The worst is that he had to remain on his bac****il today when he will finally take a few steps. His main complaint was how thirsty he was and he could only have ice chips.
Recovery will be slow and with lots of therapy. He will have to wear a bone stimulator for 9 months, 4 hours per day but it doesnt seem to bother him .. but we will see (when month 5 comes and goes and he still has to put it on!).
Just a little update and now I have to run. He wants a picture of Mallory for his room. LOL

Evening Beckie, I'm assuming you won't be reading this until you return from your visit with hubby at the hospital..
I'm not even sure I knew Jonathan was having surgery yesterday
if I did know.. I forgot.. I'm sorry
I'm so glad he pulled thru and is doing well. I bet that was a LONGGGGG day for you having to wait it out while he slept
I know it can be very tiring on you too.
Why did he need the spinal fusion.. ?? not that it matters.. I'm just nosey.. maybe cuz of my own neck surgery years ago.. and wondering if it's about the same as what Jay had done too..?
anywho.. thanks so much for updating us. And I'm sure looking at Mallory will help speed his recovery to get home sooner.
hugsss with LOVE