Good Morning.......
First post of the day.....woooo hooo
- One month ago I married the man of my dreams and am happy as can be....just to be by him almost a week...woooo hoooo
- Had a great weekend with the family...more on that later
- Just said good bye to one of my dogs and my nephew....Tommie is going with Tyson and MJ will go later today with Jim and Nadine....I have been a basket case
- Tomorrow massive work travel starts
Have a great day peeps!
Mrs. Nate and Mommy to MJ and Tommie

Good Morning Nannie
congratulations.. and I can't believe it's already been a month *stunned look* time flys when you get OLD
will be thinking of you as you travel the states..
- I'm at work.. was at work yesterday..and will be at work tomorrow
but it's good work.. I enjoy it
- I met a lady and have "bonded" a little bit and think I'll be asking her to sponsor me in AA
- I won free tickets to Funny Bone and asked my mom last nite if her and dad would like to go.. I could just see her face light up. She said she would and I told her that Dan and I would pick them up and take them back home. Actually I got 8 tickets.. so I think I'll call her back and see if she wants to ask my aunt and uncle too.. or anyone else.
- Saturday nite will either be a uncle's birthday party for me or I will go with Dan to a 60th AA Anniversary Banquet.
anywho.. that's it for now..
c'ay and I love you

Oh sweetie soo many changes and knowone to hug nya. It will be over soon and you will have this growth coming out of your couch that won't give up the remote and will pass gas and never admitt it. Deb is at least getting better about passin gas.
Hang in there hun. We'll be thinkin of ya. Love ya lots, Sparky