I spent nine days in the Hospital.
Mar took me to Emergency on Wed. the 12th with horrible abdominal pains. I really thought I was gonna die, no shi*. I've never felt any pain like this before. The triage nurse at the emergency room made us sit outside in a hall while we were waiting to see a doc because I was " scaring " the other patients with all the noise i was making.
They were scared ?
Anyway, after about 11 hours I had an MRI done, and sure enough, a stricture in my bowel.
To make a long story short, the numb nutts Doc. who saw and addmitted me declared that all I had was a " small blockage, and we should wait 24-48 hours, cause I think it'll pass on it's own " That was Thursday morning the 13th, fast forward to Saturday afternoon the, 15th, when an on call Surgeon from another hospital in town ( the VA )
saw my file. Based on the MRI from two days earlier she rushed me into surgerey.
When she opened me up she found my bowels black and had thought they had died.
She estimated they were about for hours away from bursting. Later T...
There were several stricturers and they had twisted, like a garden hose. After she cut evereything loose and un tangled them they turned pink, so luckily none had to be removed.
BTW, if you haven't had a tummy tuck, here's something to think about. Because my skin is kinda loose, she was able to put evereything back in me and close me up, even though I was so swolen. If not, I'd had a couple days in ICU with my guts outside of me, on the table waiting for the swelling to go down.
Martina was awesome thru it all. I feel like an ass cause she has to take care of me and the baby is only four weeks away. I love her, and thank God for Her every day.
Well, the percocet (?) has kicked in, I'm off to sleep.

Thanks for sharing Tony. Glad you are alright, no thanks to Doc #1. You would have thought given your medical history, the diagnosis given your obvious pain and discomfort would have been taken more serious than it was. Thank God a 2nd Doc was in the wings so to speak and was there to save the day.
Congrats to both Martina and yourself on the pending birth of your baby.
Ron & Cathy

Damn! This was a close call! So when are geting in the truck and headin down to kick the livin crap outta the Doc that said to give it a few days? ( RIGHT VA DOC!!!) A little partial can ya tell? Glad she caught it in time bud. That really could of been a bad outcome! Yep ya got yourself a keeper there for a wife! Ain't they cool to have around?
Hang in there bud and take care of yourself! Sparky