Good Sunday Morning..
... Wake up.. I have to leave in about 10 minutes...
poppa as been up since 6 and me 6:30.. he made breakfast.. we had our showers.. and getting ready to go to a flea market at the Elks Club.. which is on the way to the Promises Club for AA at 10:30
He and our friend (Steven) will be receiving their 90 day coin
after that.. not sure.. my momma is very upset with me for not calling her quite awhile..
I called her Friday night and she talked briefly and said she wanted to watch CNN that was on and would call me today cuz yesterday she was going out and wouldn't be in until late. So.. I/we need to call her today and go visit.. if she'll have me
altho.. I do know that she still loves me.. but is not happy that I've neglected her.. I told my sister that both she and I SUCK.. we need to apologize to mom and do better..
anywho.. everyone have a wonderful weekend
Hugsss with LOVE

Everyone sounds like they are doing well and are super busy....the last two months have been eventful for my little family.
My sweet mother had total knee replacement surgery and is not progressing like she should be
My poodle boyz are both 9 years old today = that's 63 in human years!
My dad is ill with something like the flu and we thought he would need shoulder surgery recently,when he hurt himself, thankfully he did not
I broke a tooth over Labor Day weekend and will have to have TWO teeth repaired the first Friday in Oct.
My sweet teenager will be 17 on the 10th, he got his progress report this week and is doing AWESOME, even a B+ in Bio-Chem..... He wants Halo3 if anyone knows of a good deal
I backed into a freakin' tree at the nail salon last week...$800 worth of damages. And I have a bigger deductible on the Avalanche, so it's coming out of my pocket....
I met someone in August, really liked him, guess he didn't like me so someone else in Sept. not really sure how it's going...we've been out to lunch two times and for ice cream once...... Ironically, he is nothing of what I have always looked for in a guy....which MIGHT be a good thing. He is shorter than anyone I've ever went out with 5'10", he is thinner than anyone I have ever went out with...we weight the SAME
.....he has gray/silver hair, he pre-maturely turned gray in his teens, he's my age, and he only eats junk food, so I am being sneaky at trying to get him to "try" new healthy things.... I know he sounds like he's 5, but he's really my
I am one pound from my original goal and will be at one year out from surgery on the 29th, I've lost 108 pounds which is my 37 year old sister, both my dogs, and a couple pair of my teenagers shoes allllll put together...HE wears size 16 shoes by the way....