My dogs....
I have made a tough decision that I know several of you on here will be empathetic about. I have two dogs, English Springer Spaniels. I have had them since they were babies and they are brother and sister...they moved here with me from TX.....
Due to so much travel I have for work and visiting Nate, etc. I am not giving them the time of day that they deserve and it is costing me a lot of money for boarding coverage, etc. I have decided to have my dogs go back to MT with my brother after this weekend. My dad will keep them at his house with other Springers (my dad raises and breeds them). They will get lots of love and attention and get to socialize more.
While I am happy for them and glad that they will be with my dad so I can visit them when I go home, etc. I am terribly sad for me. It has been 5 years with them and I know I will miss them a lot. My brother and his family is here this weekend and they will leave with the dogs on Tuesday night. I then leave for travel for work for 10 days so it will be good that I will be out of the house for awhile. But after coming home from seeing my husband and saying good bye to him and then coming home to an empty house, I am sure I will be very sad....I know it is the best thing to do and I will get better but it will be hard. I have thought about buying a little lap dog that could travel with me but that won't really work...ugh....oh well...
Anyway, I will feel NEEDY at around October 9th and just wanted to forewarn you
I will take lots of pics of them this weekend and post so you can see us together.....
Mrs. Nate and mommy to MJ and Tommie

you are such a good mommy to consider their health and well being over your own
and you will have at least peace of mind knowing how well they are being cared for and loved.
I know when I left Eddie.. I took Allie and left Katie cuz she loved Ed so much.. but I learned that he wouldn't allow her inside.. and he was gone so often.. that one weekend when he was out of town and I was feeding her.. I took her and she's not been back
.. since then I've learned that Katie just loves men in general.
the HUSSY...
Feel free to come here.. we will greet ya with licks and tails waggin..
I'll even roll over on my back for ya..
love ya you Hott Married Momma

Hi Mrs. Nate...that looks so good to type..
, I can understand where you are coming from. I rescued my dog and have had him for almost 4 years and he is one very spoiled dog, especially since my surgery, because what I don't finish he does. I know when he sees me packing to go see Doug he gets all depressed. My son stays home with him, but it still isn't me. He is a great dog and I already told Doug when he gets me he gets my dog, and he didn't have a problem with it either.
Good luck with having them move back home with your dad.

Things in our lives change and with change comes tough decisions but decisions that we know inside are right for various reasons. Right now you are entering a brand new phase in your life with your recent marriage to Nate and bringing him into your life and your into his is a big change for both or you. We only have so much internal energy to give and simplifying your life at this time in any way you can is the right thing to do.
Sure you will miss your dogs as they are family however you will be able to see them when you go to Montana and who knows in a different phase of life you may bring pets back into your world.

Oh Ann, I am so sorry. I completely understand where you're coming from, though. My last dog passed away about 3 yrs ago and other than a brief month or so with one puppy, have not replaced her. I do have a cat that thinks she's a human, so it's almost like having a kid. Especially when she's hungry. However, I realize that my life is not conducive for having a dog right now. But I really really want a tea cup chihuahua or another pomeranian. My last two dogs, Trixie was a pom (last one who passed) and before that was Gigi; a 1/2 pom 1/2 chihuahua. I got her in the sixth grade and had to make that horrible choice of putting her to sleep at the ripe old age of 16. I had never had her spayed and she got the equilavent of uterine/ovarian cancer. When I saw she wouldn't even take a drink while at the vet's, I knew I couldn't let her suffer anymore.
I think what you're doing is very responsible, although horribly difficult. It sux to be a grown up at times, huh?
Love ya even if ya are married!
I am sure that was a hard decision for you.....but it sounds like it was well thought out. It also sounds like a win/win situation....They will gets a few added benefits....and you will still have them with you, in your family....
Maybe you can take the pics of a group of matching frames and do a wall with a bunch of their pics.... You will be able to 'see' them daily...
Big Hugs to you...