yeah, but even the shopping didnt help.
yesterday I went to target (usually = instant great mood) I just stood there. bought a birthday card & left. no joy.
I'll send carlos too, he gives GREAT hugs.
brb...I think I"m gonna go hit him up for one, speaking of that.....

give him a reach around.. that will make him feel better..
i think i'm learning that when I feel needy.. that it helps to make someone ELSE.. feel better..
and to make a gratitude list.. I'm learning all kinds of things in AA meetings
wann *** and go with me to one tonite.. and then we'll hit the ThriftStore

*sings* I love you......
We need to go to a midnight movie now...
I LOVE cake with whipped cream frosting!!! If we had a wedding cake, that's what I wanted. Like Costco cake.....hmmmm....costco cake.
Costco cake is SOOOO good and SOOO cheap. It makes me want to go there a buy some for no reason. Just to it it. I don't even care if it's white or chocolate cake. I'll take either. YUMMMMMY!
That is sacriledge what you said about Target!!! have you no shame!! I went to Target with Jay last night. I cute khaki capris for 4.74! That is probably the LEAST amount I have EVER spent there. Jay, on the other hand, went wild...khaki pants, a khaki sport coat, a tool carrier for the house (he's becoming very domestic) I think we spent as much time in the hardware section as in the clothing department...UNHEARD OF!!
We also got same great down throws at Kroger, of all places, for 2.74...such a bargain. Jay needed one for his massage class and when we saw how cheap they were we figured what the heck and threw a few more in the basket.
My tummy has not been liking me either. Got sick on pizza last night. So they next day or so I am eating only soft foods. Today so far only coffee and soup. Probably oatmeal tonight.