that pouch test thing

liz A.
on 9/20/07 12:23 am
looks like I'll be doing it after all. doctors orders. *sigh* wish me luck.
on 9/20/07 1:01 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
LUCK.. when are you starting it.. ?? I would be sure to eat a cake donut 'fore you do. and why is your doctor makin ya..??
liz A.
on 9/20/07 1:06 am
cause I cut my tummy or something last night. my poor belly. it needs rubbing. she said "liquids only bi-atch" I said "how long wanker" she said "till i say stop." *cracking whip* my surgeons office is strict. j/k I love them. they are great. but I really did cut my insides they feel. guess I WON'T be doing my knife swallowing act after all. dang it man.
on 9/20/07 1:13 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
you can be her... put it on your head.. i can't wait to go back to the renissance(sp).. but I want cooler weather first. I LUST FALL.. AUTUMN.. what was you eatin last nite to cut your intestines...
liz A.
on 9/20/07 1:18 am
almonds. are those festivals fun? I'm going to one on saturday. never been to one. its a celtic weekend so i'm excited for that, cause of my being Irish & all. doc said no beer though too. I said "ummmmmmmm, I'm going to an IRISH thing...?!?" she said NO BEER BI-ATCH. i said "dannnnnnnnnnnnnnng." I like making up stories today it seems.
on 9/20/07 1:41 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
DRINK VODKIE INSTEAD .. Add green food coloring.. that'll show yer doctor.. is that wrong for an AA member to say... yes.. the festival is fun.. and you can wear a backless shirt to show off your celtic tattoo.. grrrrwwwllll i like when you make up stories.. tell me another one...
liz A.
on 9/20/07 1:46 am
I need to call my doc back & explain that it is cake day here at the office. surely they do not understand my love of cake. ugh....this back does not wear backless shirts. (love handles)
on 9/20/07 2:11 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
awwee.. you mean that glob of skin that my bra pushes up and over it.. I don't know what you are talking about.. I bet your doc would realize that cake is not rough.. and will slide down your throat and into your scratched up pouchie just fine.. what kinda cake is it.. endulge me..
liz A.
on 9/20/07 2:14 am
I dont know. I'm staying away from the cake room. evil, evil room.
on 9/20/07 2:16 am - ALEXANDRIA, KY
i just pictured all of 'em doing a cake walk do you remember those or were they past your prime..
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