that pouch test thing
cause I cut my tummy or something last night.
my poor belly. it needs rubbing.
she said "liquids only bi-atch"
I said "how long wanker"
she said "till i say stop." *cracking whip*
my surgeons office is strict.
j/k I love them. they are great.
but I really did cut my insides they feel.
guess I WON'T be doing my knife swallowing act after all. dang it man.

you can be her... put it on your head..
i can't wait to go back to the renissance(sp).. but I want cooler weather first.
what was you eatin last nite to cut your intestines...

are those festivals fun? I'm going to one on saturday. never been to one.
its a celtic weekend so i'm excited for that, cause of my being Irish & all.
doc said no beer though too. I said "ummmmmmmm, I'm going to an IRISH thing...?!?"
she said NO BEER BI-ATCH.
i said "dannnnnnnnnnnnnnng."
I like making up stories today it seems.