How does OJ still get women to date him?
Before I met teacher, I had trouble meeting women. Although overweight, I am I never:
1. Killed two people with my own hands;
2. Befriended Kato "clueless" Kailen
3. Beat the murder rap because of juror idiocy
4. Lost a civil suit causing me to lose all my money
5. Written a book explaining "how I did it"
Inquiring minds want to know?
I was SERIOUSLY wondering this same thing while working out at the gym tonight. They had the OJ latest on TV and as funny as it is, that thought totally went through my head! What would I say to my friends, "I'm dating OJ. So what if he confessed to a murder he says he didn't commit. I believe him." DUH!
If someone figures this out I'd like to know. One more bet is his kids will have a "tell-all" book at some point in their adult lives, and I will read it as soon as it comes out.
Hi Mrs. Nannie (is that what Kellee is calling you now?
)...I know, I have been MIA a lot lately. Things have been SO crazy that I haven't had time to get on and post much at all.
My daughter is doing okay at school. She is struggling with her Calc class (loooong story) but she's settling in okay and everything else is good with her. Thanks for asking.
I'm doing okay as well. Like I said, busy as heck but over all doing all right.
I saw some of your wedding beautiful you both are! Your day looked perfect and I'm so happy for you that it was. I know you miss your hubby, but you'll be together before you know it.
I'll try to do better on here. I promise.

Hey T....
So glad you promise to do were so active then POOF....guess this thing called life was a calling.....I need to find a life now
I will say a little prayer for your daughter....especially since I hate Calc.....they make you memorize all of these formulas then the calculator could have done it for you...makes me so mad!!!! Do you get to see her often? How are you holding up with empty nester?
Thanks so much on the pics....he is pretty hot huh? I keep telling him uncle told me that he told Nate how much he liked me and beautiful I was and Nate said "Yea, she is a babe"....ha ha ha.....we had an incredible weekend and I miss him like crazy but I am down to almost two weeks until I see him....THANK GOD!
Please do better on here...we so miss you girlfriend!!!!