Official Mr. and Mrs. Nate Wedding Pics
We have finally received our pictures from our photographer and since we own the pictures now we are able to download all of our pictures....woooo hoooo! I have downloaded the pictures to photobucket for your review....but since I am still learning about pb, I downloaded in the wrong order again so if you watch them in order of the download they will all be in backwards order....I am so sorry!
They turned out great and am very excited....check out Dawnie....she is a hottie...and for those of you that remember Donna and April there are some cute shots of them too.
The weekend was so much fun and we had it jam packed....the wedding went almost perfect and the ceremony (the most important part to me) went was by far the happiest day of my life!
I am still totally in glee although I miss my husband sooooooooooo bad....I will get to see him in MD in less than 3 weeks so that is our countdown.....
Again, to all of you....thank you for your love and support! I know if I had not had this surgery I would never have met self confidence grew and I finally allowed someone to love me as much as Nate is by far the best feeling in the world! To all of you that don't think it will ever happen (I thought this for 37 years myself) is all about timing, not giving up, believing and loving yourself to allow someone else to love you!
Have a super day my friends!
Mrs. Nate
Dear Mrs. Nate, I feel guilty cause now I am lusting after a married woman! I guess I'll have to turn all my atttention to Dawn and Kellee now. Besides your sailor is a big boy and looks like he could hurt me!
What a beautiful wedding. I am so happy for you and Nate. You make a striking couple. We sure wish we could have been there. You were truly a breath taking bride. We love ya darlin, my best to the lucky guy, Sparky

Hi Sparkster....
Thanks so much for the sweet note
Glad you liked the pics...I was very happy with the results too......
I loved the comment "striking couple" dear! I had one person at work this week make the same comment as rhondie "you look like brother and sister"
My squid will not hurt ya....he will just spank me (MEOW
Love and Miss you and Debster,
Mrs. Nate

Now Now Kellee. I have had the hots for the new Mrs. Nate for many a years now.
You are still my sweet young thang though! Really! It's like I lust after you all the same but for diferent reasons!
I guess there's no getting my foot outta my mouth on this one is there?
I love ya anyway. You can spank me of ya want. Can Dale watch? I knwo how bout Dale and I spank you?
Now there ya go!
OHH speakin of spankin the wifer is gonna be home soon so I better get goin. I bought whipped cream and puddin and we're gonna party! WHOO HOO

1. do you recall what nate was saying here? cause for some reason this pic is funny to me.
2. love this. you look so pretty¤t=033_Swan1sep.jpg
3. dawn you look soooo pretty too
4. fish eye lens? love those things.
pics were awesome. everyone looked fantastic & looks like so much fun!!

It was actually a sweet moment...the toasts actually made me cry more than the wedding brother aka best man was actually pretty funny but one of the most memorable comments he said and I will never forget is
" The last year and a half I have seen my little sister the happiest she has ever been in her life since meeting Nate".....
I just totally cried and do when I repeat it to others....he was so true! And many many more years to come with my beloved