Tanks Kellee!
For the music box...Hey Jude is perfect! We played lots of Beatles/Lennon/Harrison at the wedding.
I must say Jay enjoyed the tape very much.
I got a much bigger laugh from Jay's reaction when he took off the wrapping...
Jay: Oh Kellee is so funny... look at the "lame" gift she sent us. (Hands me a pink box with black and white stripes, without opening.)
Me:Why do you say that? How do you know what it is? We haven't opened it yet!
Jay: Look what it says on the box.
Mel: (Looks at the top of box) Mary Janes by trumpette. So? I don't get it.
Jay: No, no...on the side. See?
Mel: (reads side of box. 6 pairs of baby socks) She did NOT send us baby socks!
(Opens box and proceeds to unwrap contents, revealing music box.) See! no baby socks!
Jay: Oh yeah...silly me...

hahhahahaa....yeah, it was the only box they had that it would fit in.
I was worried that the song would be lame to you guys. I got it in NC....called Felicia while I was in the store "do you think hey jude is lame? do they like the beatles???"
I couldnt remember.
just thought it was kind of neat cause was music based like your wedding was.
my friend in NC pointed out that its not like you'll be sitting there all day cranking the little handle.
that made me laugh.
but glad you liked it. & I DO expect you to sit & play it all day long.
p.s. maybe the next gift WILL be baby socks...hmmm?????

No we love The Beatles. Our wedding dance was to "In My Life".
So it is definitely NOT lame at all! I think it's neat too for the same reason, plus the Beatles connection thing plus just how much we both love music thing. So its a great gift on a number of levels.
You done good!
Thanks for thinking of us even while you were on vay-kay. Very nice.