Ehhh Morning!
This has got to stop happening... 2 days in a row I'm awake at 5'ish am! Grrr! The first time was because of my stupid smoke alarm. The battery was dieing and beeping every 15-20 minutes and I couldn't get the damn thing off the wall.
Last night, I finally dug out the stool and pulled the freakin thing off the wall! Ha! I don't need nooooo man to help me! I just don't know how I'm gonna stick back on there... I think I broke it!
Good Morning folks!
Any plans for the weekend?
I got none, other then Sunday dinner at the folks and making some kinda pumpkin crap with the nephew. Good times. Really.

HAHA - I totally got that reference. I love Friends.
Oddly enough, I thought about pulling a Phebe too... and get this? a damn cop was at my door yesterday. Freaked the **** out of me -- At first, I thought it was for the beeping! 

Cop had the wrong apartment building. But man, I about pee'ed my pants!
Any plans for the weekend?

don't throw the detector away or the cop may be back..
I'm off work today at 12:30.. and no plans but to have some fun.. probably thrift.. browse.. home and putz around..
Saturday more of the same only with Dan
there is a flea market happening at the Elks tomorrow.. also I saw a sign on my road for an estate sale..
he and I could go fishing at the community park.. I think it's only gonna be 67 out.. so might be some good fishin weather..
Sunday.. Dan has to work.. so I may stay in my jammies all day and clean.. Lord knows it needs it bad
.. dust and mop.
what you doing??

Try having the cops wake you up at like three am telling you that someone dialed 911 from your phone...this happened to me twice...then when I checked the line it was all static and wouldn't let me make a call even if I wanted...all they could guess was something was wrong with my portable phones or the line itself...

I've been there with the smoke alarm a few times myself. Annoying little *******s/lifesavers aren't they?
Buy a new one, stick it anywhere you want. Or look into the combo units that pick up the carbon monoxide too. Just an idea.
Plans for this weekend? Hmm..gonna see "The Man" tonight, and tomorrow, and prolly Sunday too.
Our Dave Ramsey class is Saturday night and we both have some homework to do before then. It's supposed to be in the 60s like Rhonda said so maybe take the kids and dogs to the park?
I really should finish's been almost a month now and I'm still digging in boxes and shoving crates around
BTW, how do you make pumpkin crap?