asking out a stranger
not from the internet. but that you see in your "real" life on a somewhat regular basis.
my pharmicist (sp) is wicked cute (to me) and is sans ring....
soooo, how does a person ask someone out in that type of situation....?
"thanks for the sleeping pills, Mr Pharmacist (sp) wanna spoon me as a drift off to sleep?"
yep, that should work
help me!!
this is crucial people. I just realized I was closing in on 40.
we've got to marry me off already!!! its crunch time!!!

One day when he's filling your script, find a point where you can insert "your wife is a very lucky lady.. thank you your so kind" See back in the day when I was single... I found many married men don't wear rings.. or even a nose ring to let us single ones know they are married.. Hell spark wears an 8 inch wide ring and they still flirt and try to hook up with him... Then if he says "I"m not married" you say ok then your girlfriend... if he has neither.. then say.. well would like to have coffee with me tomorrow morning?
Lame I know but he might think its cute
"boy, you bag my scripts smoothly. your wife is a lucky lady"
yeah, definitely a good bagger *said in best rain man voice*
once he commented on my buying a dog bone & cat treats. should have acted then....dang. *sigh*
now I get so shy around him I can barely look him in the eye. Its ridiculous really.

get his name.. full name.. pay online to acquire a people search on him.. or if you are poor search google.. find out where he lives and
stalk him..
or.. arrange to be there when he's working.. at closing time.. get some rubbers.. ask if you can pay for those there.. and say.. "I sure wish I knew someone who can wear one of these tonight.."
or.. when you are purchasing your drugs.. say.. "excuse me this is kind of embarrassing.. but if you're free and not too busy.. would you like to have coffee or drinks sometime.. "
men love when women ask them out.. trust me.. I read about it all the time..
I think I like #2 myself tho..