Anyone know anything about them (other than they are a musical instrument.. lol).
Jonathans birthday is coming up and he is also having spinal surgery in 3 weeks.. So, I thought of buying him a new guitar for both birthday and a "feel better soon" gift. He has 2 electric guitars and one acustic now but the acustic warped a little last year in the winter (not sure if it was the heat in the house or what.. I know it didnt get wet).
So anyway.. I know nothing about good guitars.. I want to actually have it to give it to him and not give him a gift certificate, etc. So, any pointers to spotting a good quality guitar would be appreciated.
Thanks so much!!
Becky a good music store should be able to help you find just the right one.. they should ask you what kind of music he likes, likes to play etc, and then assist you in finding one .... I play/played years ago and things have changed... and his styles might not be what I like.. so I'd talk to a music store
good luck and awesome idea for a gift...

i missed this post... Eric Clapton most often plays Fender and Jimmy Page from Zeppelin most often plays Gibson. Now Melanie on the other hand loves bands that play the dangly sounding Rickenbackers. (REM, Dreams So Real, Birds, Tom Petty - which she doesn't like, but he and his lead guitarist still play Ricks) BB King's "Lucille" is a Gibson ES-355.
Everyone has their tastes. me i love the sound of Carlos Santana's Ibanez or the classic sound of a Fender Telecaster or Mustang. To each his own.